Dragonara Casino has inaugurated its newly refurbished premises after an extensive upgrade – a €10 million investment project that saw a total overhaul of all the gaming areas and casino infrastructure.
S4U was chosen as supplier of the total newly and custom designed Gaming signage, directional signage and end of bank signage.
All Gaming signs are built with the latest gaming technology with multiple digital screens, and lightning effects. These are custom designed to blend in to the casino environment, but also to attract, and let the players enjoy their favorite game.
One of these attractive double side game themed signs with multiple screens is centrally positioned above Aristocrats “Lighting Link” slots. Also for Scientific Games its “Duo Fu Duo Cai” we’ve designed an double sided sign above an double side slot bank. Both setups are combined with Digital S4U end or bank signs to strengthen communication with the Dragonara Casino’s guests.
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